Fertilizer from other nutrition-rich plants and weeds

Like people, plants require extra nutrients to flourish properly. Usually, the earth contains these nutrients. However, when they are absent, the plant’s growth suffers. Fertilizers support healthy plant growth and replenish the soil’s nutritional deficiencies.

Your garden is a free, abundant source of fertilisers that are high in nutrition.


Because they have a wealth of vitamins and nutrients in their leaves, common plants and even undesired weeds can quickly turn into a source of micro and macronutrients for your plants. Among them are Examples of weeds that are an excellent source of vitamins for other plants are chickweed, burdock, and comfrey.

 Inorganic Fertilizers Vs Organic Fertilizers

Unlike you, your plants are unable to distinguish between chemical and organic fertilizers. The non-renewable salts used in chemical fertilizers are readily absorbed by plant roots. Sadly, the salts in these fertilizers do not provide food for the soil’s microbes and earthworms. These fertilizers over time cause the soil to become more acidic and lose all the vital organisms that support soil health.


You can prevent this kind of soil catastrophe by promoting the usage of organic fertilizers. Organic items feed both plants and animals and act as fertilizer. This is the key distinction between using chemical and organic fertilizers.


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