Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot | WALKBOT

The exoskeleton robotic rehabilitation devices made by WALKBOT provide robot-assisted gait training rehabilitation systems for musculoskeletal disabilities. 

Walkbot Advanced solutions 

The Walkbot, lower limb rehabilitation robot provides exciting customized 3-dimensional augmented reality exercise games so that their clients actually do not perceive the gait training as a form of therapy. Rather, they enjoy walking in interactive and ecologically natural or virtual environments as used by the software.

Ø  Game-Like Rehabilitation Training: Go World immerses patients in the training as if they were walking around famous tourist attractions around the world.


‘Go Under Sea’ enables patients to explore the beautiful underwater world during their training. While following the path of the aquarium, the patient should continuously adjust the left and right direction with their voluntary effort. Their level of participation in the training will be increased effectively.

Ø  Go World – Free / Mission Walking Mode: Go World provides ‘Goal-oriented training’ motivating the patient to reach goals (missions) in a map, as well as free walks on the map as desired.

Ø  Planet Runner (Side Scrolling Game): Planer Runner enables the patient to be immersed in the training as if playing a game.


Before starting the game, the patient can select the map, stage and character of the game. Voluntary effort of the patient can be reflected in movement of the character in the game in aspects such as height of the jump. 

During the game, the patient can gain points when they earn gold coins through jumping. In addition, various items such as time extension and magnets are provided so that the patient can participate in WALKBOT training as if they were playing a game. After finishing the game, WALKBOT provides not only walking training information but also motivation for further walking training through game ranking management.

If you are looking for lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton robot, you can find it at WALKBOT

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