Professional Korean Breathalyzer Producer | ALCOFIND

ALCOFIND, a DA Tech brand, is a professional Korean breathalyzer producer. It has dedicated itself to the research and development of sensor-related application products since its inception in 2002, firmly establishing it as a breathalyzer specialized company and growing as a global leader. 

ALCOFIND breathalyzer has a wide range of products for a wide range of applications and user environments, as well as quality certifications for the world’s major breathalyzer markets, including the United States, Europe, and Australia.

In terms of technology, the ALCOFIND breathalyzer, which is used in over 50 countries, leads the world market. 

ALCOFIND AF-50AD Professional Use Product 

ALCOFIND AF-50AD with a premium Fuel Cell Sensor is a professional breathalyzer with extremely high-reliability. The AF-50AD is ideal for law enforcement or various industrial fields where the higher-end breathalyzer with advanced features like wireless printing, data management via PC-software, memory capability, and dual test mode (Normal/Quick) are required. 

Significant Benefits of AF-50AD Professional Use

Ø  Premium fuel cell sensor

Ø  OLED display

Ø  Duel test mode (Quick / Normal)


(Normal Mode: Display the actual concentration value by measuring accurate BAC)

(Quick Mode: Display test result as PASS/FAIL according to the set criteria by quickly measuring if the subject has alcohol in their body)

Ø  Store 2,000 test results with test number, date and time

Ø  Link with smartphone and printer through Bluetooth communication

Ø  Duel operation mode (Standalone / App modes)

Ø  Adjustable user setting menu

Ø  Manage and download test data through the ALCOFIND software

Ø  Calibration reminder

Ø  Battery level indicator and notification

Ø  Power saving function (automatic power off)

Ø  Test number display 

If you are looking for a Korea breathalyzer manufacturer, you can find it at ALCOFIND

Click here to contact ALCOFIND

View more: Professional Korean Breathalyzer Producer


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