As a YouTuber, you can access a lot of data on the viewers of your videos. Undoubtedly a lot more than most people think. What data about their viewers can YouTubers see, how visible is this data, and why can any of this data even be seen in the first place? I’ll talk about a few of these concerns in this essay.

This information should be useful if you’re a viewer who’s unsure of what the stations you watch can learn about you. And if you run a YouTube channel, getting to know your viewers better is a fantastic way to make content that appeals to them, but in order to do that first you need to Promote YouTube Views, so perhaps this post will be helpful to you.

Can YouTube users see the number of viewers for their videos?

YouTubers are unable to see every person who has watched their video in detail, but they can see the proportion of viewers in each age or gender group. You will be one of the X% of viewers who are male, Canadian, and between the ages of 18 and 24, and are 23 years old.

Similar to the previous “related channels” box that was once accessible on YouTube channel home pages, this can provide creators with some insight into the kinds of videos that their audiences are most interested in as well as some inspiration.

Can YouTubers see your location?

YouTube producers cannot see your actual location, so increase your subscriber count. They could see the proportion of viewers that came from a particular nation and viewed their films.

But the concreteness of it ends there. Additionally, since this data isn’t available for every view, you’ll need a sizable dataset (a large audience/high number of views) to see a breakdown of which states the viewers are from.

Can YouTube users see who liked and disapproved a video?

YouTube users have no way of knowing who liked or disapproved of their films, and all of the videos you enjoy are saved to a personal playlist called “Liked videos.” This article will provide you with all the information you require regarding the liked video playlist.

A YouTuber can only see how many people have liked and disliked their videos. This can be a useful feature for assessing how well a movie addressed a topic when people don’t spam it.

Using free applications, viewers and YouTubers may see the precise number of likes and dislikes a video has received directly in the search results.

Are YouTubers able to see who has shared their videos?

If you share someone’s video, they won’t receive any notifications or any correspondence (unless you tag them), but in exceptional cases, the creator may be able to track down the sharer if they look for the video.

For instance, if a video is published on Twitter, you may enter the video URL into the search bar to retrieve all of the tweets that have shared that URL.

On Twitter, it’s easy to identify who has shared your videos, but on other social networking sites, it can be more challenging.

A video’s creator can see who shared it if it was shared publicly or in a public group; otherwise, you cannot see who shared a video. However, the majority of YouTubers don’t make a special effort to find this.


The simplest way to let a YouTuber know that you’ve shared one of their videos is to check to see if they’re on social media and then tag them in the post.


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